This film tells the story of the Caspian seal. The first part of the film “Hunting and Research” is dedicated to history of seal hunting in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Number of Caspian seals decreased by 10 times in the last century: there were 1 million species at the start of XX century; at the start of XXI century this number decreased to 100 thousand species.
The main reason for reduction in number of seals is hunting. Sudden deterioration of condition of seal population was a result of mass seal mortality in 1997-2000s. In 2008 Red Book of Endangered Species of the International Union of Environment Protection granted red (warning) status to Caspian seals – “Endangered Species”. Literature sources, materials and results of research carried out by International Group of researchers of seals and Kazakhstan specialists were used in the film. Based on the results of this research protected nature reserves have to be created in seal rookery places in Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea.